Best Running Shorts for Men with a Liner: Soar Running Dual Run Short 3.0.

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Best Ultrarunning Shorts for Men: Patagonia Strider Pro Running Shorts 5”.Best Trail Running Shorts for Men: Ultimate Direction Jason Schlarb Short.Overall Best Running Shorts for Men: Patagonia Strider Pro Running Shorts 5”.Learn more about our testing methodology, read our advice for choosing your next running shorts, and see our frequently asked questions about running shorts for men at the bottom of this guide. This guide is for trail runners seeking the best men’s running shorts in a variety of categories, including budget, fabric technology, storage, comfort and much more. To compile this buyer’s guide, we tested men’s running shorts from some of the best-known brands in trail running and ultrarunning, some companies in men’s general fitness, and even some whose reach is outside the core running community. In trail running and ultrarunning, the combination of feel, function, and personal style is what makes a great pair of shorts. While comfort is subjective, there are certain qualities common to the best running shorts for men. Nothing is better than running down the trail with a feeling of levity and strength without even noticing the clothes you’re wearing. Ultrarunners during the 2018 Hardrock 100.